
Quasimodo’s Monster Magazine
Vol. 2 Issue 8
Part One

Once again it's time to travel back to a time when pulpy paper printing and monstrous humor were all the rage. Today, let's enjoy issue 8 of Quasimodo's Monster Magazine, a magazine that gave you a big 100 pages, if not much else. In this first half of the magazine, we are treated to The Mummy Through the Ages, The Invisible Man (a sight for sore eyes), and funny comics related to the lead articles. More funny, now that we look back at them, are the advertisements: from the imported lock blade stilletto knife (moms loved that one), the Are You Having Trouble Reading This Ad? hawking eye exercises (funny, but now I could use those exercises), no-real-selling-needed order taking for metal social security plates, and automobile upholstering and customizing–yes! you too can do it! Hopefully we'll see some monsterkid related ads in the second half.

Quasimodo monster mag 8

More Quasimodo in the Closet:

Quasimodo's Monster Magazine Issue 3

Quasimodo's Monster Magazine Issue 5

Monster World Issue 2

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Go to Part Two

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